A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. Its usefulness is that the web is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. The cookies They usually store information of a technical nature, personal preferences, content customization, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The goal of the cookie is to adapt the content of the web to your profile and needs, without cookies the services offered by any page would be significantly diminished.

Indispensable Cookies

Essential cookies help the page to function normally by enabling basic browsing and secure access to your site. Without these cookies, the page may not function correctly.

Name Description Declared as
_ab Used in connection with access to admin. Essential
_secure_session_id Used in connection with navigation through a storefront. Essential
__cfduid The _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our Customers' websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users. Essential
Cart Used in connection with shopping cart. Essential
card Used in connection with shopping cart. Essential
cart_sig Used in connection with checkout. Essential
cart_ts Used in connection with checkout. Essential
cart_ver Used in connection with shopping cart. Essential
checkout_token Used in connection with checkout. Essential
Secret Used in connection with checkout. Essential
secure_customer_sig Used in connection with customer login. Essential
storefront_digest Used in connection with customer login. Essential
_shopify_u Used to facilitate updating customer account information. Essential
XSRF-TOKEN Used in connection with GDPR legal Cookie. Essential
gdpr_legal_cookie_session Used in connection with GDPR legal Cookie. Essential
_bc_c_set Used in connection with GDPR legal Cookie. Essential
_tracking_consent For Shopify User Consent Tracking. Essential
_shopify_m Used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_shopify_tm Used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_shopify_tw Used for managing customer privacy settings. Essential
_storefront_u Used to facilitate updating customer account information. Essential
cart_currency Used in connection with cart and checkout. Essential

Statistics and Marketing Cookies

Statistical cookies help site owners understand how users interact with their page, capturing information and generating reports with anonymous information. Marketing Cookies are used to track user navigation through your site. The goal is to give more relevant and attractive ads to page visitors, therefore it is more valuable information for third-party advertisers.

Name Description Declared as
_orig_referrer Used in connection with shopping cart. Marketing & Analytics
_landing_page Track landing pages. Marketing & Analytics
_s Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_d Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_fs Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_s Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_y Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_Y Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_sa_p Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_sa_t Shopify analytics relating to marketing & referrals. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_uniq Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
_shopify_visit Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
tracked_start_checkout Shopify analytics relating to checkout. Marketing & Analytics
ki_r Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
ki_t Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics
ab_test_* Shopify analytics. Marketing & Analytics

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